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2018 US Poker Open

USPO #05 – $10,000 No Limit Hold'em
Day: 2
Event Info

2018 US Poker Open

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

USPO #05 – $10,000 No Limit Hold'em

Day 2 Completed

Ben Tollerene Conquers the US Poker Open Event #5: $10k NLH for $187,600

Level 26 : 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Ben Tollerene Wins Event #5 10K NLH
Ben Tollerene Wins Event #5 10K NLH

It has become a US Poker Open tradition to watch the eventual champions hid the skids on the final table only to rebound back into contention. High stakes legend Ben Tollerene followed the script today, coming back from fewer than five big blinds to emerge victorious in the Event #5: $10,000 No Limit Hold'em. Tollerene outlasted a 67-entry field on his way to the $187,600 first-place prize.

Tollerene, 30, has been widely acknowledged as one of the best online cash game grinders the virtual realm has ever seen. He's no stranger to live tournaments either but he only picks the tournaments with the large chunks of money at stake.

"I wouldn't come if the buy-ins weren't big," Tollerene said in his post-win interview.

US Poker Open - Event 5: $10,000 No Limit Hold'em results:

PlacePlayerCountryPrize (USD)
1stBen TollereneUnites States$187,600
2ndJake SchindlerUnites States$134,000
3rdRyan RiessUnites States$87,100
4thCary KatzUnites States$67,000
5thKristina HolstUnites States$53,600
6thRodger JohnsonUnites States$40,200
7thBen YuUnites States$33,500
8thBrent HanksUnites States$26,800
9thKeith TilstonUnites States$20,100
10thDavid PetersUnites States$20,100

Tollerene had a rough start to the tournament, using the maximum of three allowed bullets. His third attempt worked out fine and he found his way to the final table with the third biggest stack.

The six-handed finale included two players whose faces were perhaps not so familiar to the high roller fans; Rodger Johnson and Kristina Holst. Unfortunately for them, they were also the first two contenders to bow out. Johnson couldn't do much with his short stack, especially after Cary Katz, who came in fourth place, more than doubled his belongings in the two opening orbits.

Katz continued squeezing the most from his momentum and eliminated Johnson in sixth place. Johnson three-bet shoved for his last eight bigs out of the small blind only to run with ace-four into ace-queen of Katz.

Holst followed Johnson to the rail three hands later when she reshoved for 20 big blinds with pocket threes over Tollerene's button-raise. Tollerene called off with ace-king and won the race thanks to an ace on the turn.

Holst was the only female player to take to the felt, calling her run a great learning experience: "These guys are some of the best in the world. They play a lot more tournaments than I do," said Holst, who specializes in software engineering. "It's fun to come out and play against them." She collected $53,600 for her fifth-place finish, her largest poker reward so far.

The four remaining players all possessed over 50 big blinds, and while there were no eliminations for quite some time, the action carried on at a decent tempo. Jake Schindler hit a few boards to solidify his lead but he soon switched positions with Ryan Riess just before the first break of the day. They met in a preflop raising war in a button-against-small blind contest. Schindler was in position with king-nine and four-bet-folded to Riess' five-bet jam with tens.

Tollerene's stack then hit the wrong direction and a couple of losses saw him drop all the way down to fewer than five big blinds. He doubled with king-five against Katz' ace-seven and then bluffed Katz off a two pair hand with a river shove after missing a double gutshot. Tollerene worked his way back to contention and got the best of Katz shortly afterwards.

Katz busted when he rivered a runner-runner flush on a paired board, lead-shoving. Tollerene, however, also made the flush - a much higher one - and knocked the Poker Central founder out in fourth.

Riess was the shortest stack among the final three players and he slipped to a re-stealing stack of just under 20 big blinds. Then he open-shoved from the small blind with jack-seven suited, running into Tollerene's ace-nine. The flop gave Riess a gutshot for some extra outs to his live cards but the rest of the board bricked to send him packing.

That paved way for a heads-up match between Tollerene and Schindler with both players guarding well over 40 big blinds. Tollerene entered the battle with a slight chip lead but it seemed to be Schindler getting all the value. He was hitting nearly every board while Tollerene struggled, airballing with the most of his hands. Schindler quickly took over the chip lead and stretched it to more than a 2-1 chip-advantage.

Tollerene magnetized some momentum with a double up when he rivered top two pair on a board that included a smaller pair and filled a spade flush draw from the flop. Schindler bluff-shoved for about the size of the pot and Tollerene picked him off.

Schindler, however, kept connecting to the majority of the boards and Tollerene had no easy ride towards the first place. But in the crucial hand, it was Tollerene who found himself in a dream spot as both players flopped trip sevens. Tollerene held a stronger kicker and made a huge river-bet, leaving himself with only four big blinds. Schindler moved all-in and maybe hoped for a call when he saw Tollerene thinking for about 20 seconds. Tollerene eventually called, showing the winning had, much to Schindler's disappointment.

"I didn't think you'd shove if your kicker didn't play by a couple pits," Tollerene explained why he took some time for the decision which seemed to be a snap-call for Schindler.

"It's probably a good play then," smiled Schindler, taking the accidental slowroll with class. "Well, I didn't fold, but yeah," replied Tollerene, adding: "Sorry that I didn't stick it in right away."

That trips-over-trips double allowed Tollerene to seize a huge lead and he finished Schindler only two hands later, peeling pocket aces. Schindler flopped the top pair on a queen-high board and couldn't escape the lethal strike.

Tags: Ben TollereneBen YuBrent HanksCary KatzDavid PetersJacob SchindlerKristina HolstRodger JohnsonRyan Riess

Jake Schindler Eliminated in 2nd Place ($134,000)

Level 26 : 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Jake Schindler
Jake Schindler

Hand #116: Jake Schindler limped in with {q-Clubs}{9-Clubs} and Ben Tollerene picked up the {a-Spades}{a-Clubs} in the big blind. He just checked his option and the flop came {q-Hearts}{7-Spades}{3-Hearts}. Schindler led out for 100,000 after flopping top pair and Tollerene raised to 300,000. Schindler just called and the {6-Diamonds} landed on the turn.

Schindler checked and Tollerene wasted little time before shoving all in, which was met by a quick call for the last 720,000 from Schindler. Tollerene would need to avoid a queen or nine to take the title and eliminated Schindler.

The dealer burned and turned the {2-Spades} on the river and Schindler was unable to come from behind. The two players shook hands after a well-played heads-up match and will surely be heading over to the poker room to join in Event #6: $25,000 No Limit Hold'em.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Tollerene us
Ben Tollerene
Jake Schindler us
Jake Schindler
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben TollereneJacob Schindler

Hands #112-115: Tollerne Doubles Up After Both Players Flop Trips

Level 26 : 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

Hand #112: Jake Schindler raised to 240,000 on the button with {4-Spades}{4-Clubs} and Ben Tollerene defended with {k-Spades}{2-Spades} in the big blind. The flop came {10-Spades}{10-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} and Tollerene checked to Schindler who continued for 180,000. Tollerene made the call and the {8-Diamonds} landed on the turn. Both players checked and the {3-Hearts} completed the board. Tollerene checked for the third time and Schindler went for a value bet of 375,000. Tollerene thought for a moment but chose to lay his hand down.

Hand #113: Tollerene limped in with {j-Diamonds}{4-Hearts} and Schindler raised to 480,000 holding {a-Hearts}{7-Hearts}. Tollerene tossed his cards to the muck and Schindler raked in another one.

Hand #114: In a limped pot, the flop came {q-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{7-Clubs}. Tollerene checked with {k-Spades}{7-Diamonds} and Schindler fired 80,000 with {8-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}. Both players flopped trip sevens but with Tollerene holding the better kicker, he just called as the {a-Spades} landed on the turn. Tollerene checked again and Schindler tossed in a bet of 200,000. Tollerene went for the check-raise to 600,000 and Schindler made the call. The river brought the {4-Clubs} and Tollerene pushed in a bet of 1,500,000. Schindler shoved all in and Tollerene made the call for his last 350,000 chips.

Hand #115: Tollerene just called on the button with {k-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} and Schindler checked his option holding {10-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}. The flop came {10-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{6-Hearts} and both players checked to the {k-Spades} on the turn. Schindler checked again and Tollerene bet 140,000, which Schindler called. The {j-Diamonds} completed the board and Schindler checked one more time. Tollerene fired a bet of 350,000 and Schindler laid his hand down after using a time extension.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Tollerene us
Ben Tollerene
Jake Schindler us
Jake Schindler
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben TollereneJacob Schindler

Hands #107-111: The Lead Swings Back and Forth

Level 26 : 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

Hand #107: Ben Tollerene sticks to his limping strategy out of the small blind, this time with the {K-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}, and Jake Schindler checked his options. Tollerene bet the minimum on the {8-Hearts}{A-Spades}{J-Diamonds} flop and Schindler check-folded his {Q-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}.

Hand #108: Schindler raised to 240,000 with {K-Clubs}{10-Spades} and Tollerene three-bet to 800,000 with {A-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}. Schindler reached to his pile of orange chips and matched the price.

The {10-Hearts}{8-Spades}{4-Hearts} flop was once again better for Schindler who hit the top pair. Tollerene checked his ace-high and Schindler took the betting lead, firing 600,000. Tollerene wasted no time and folded.

Hand #109: Tollerene finally raised from the small blind, making it 180,000 to go with {A-Clubs}{K-Hearts}. Schindler had {K-Spades}{4-Spades} and three-bet to 700,000 to Tollerene's pleasure. Tollerene four-bet shoved to seize the pot and the chip lead.

Hand #110: A limped pot saw both players catch a piece of the {7-Hearts}{K-Spades}{2-Spades} flop as big blind Tollerene had the bottom pair with {4-Hearts}{2-Diamonds} while Schindler had the middle pair with {7-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}. Schindler bet 80,000 in position and Tollerene called before they both checked the {A-Spades} turn and the {9-Clubs} river, leaving Schindler the winner.

Hand #111: Tollerene limped his {K-Hearts}{5-Hearts} and Schindler tapped with {8-Clubs}{7-Spades}. The all-spade {A-Spades}{2-Spades}{J-Spades} flop gave Schindler a flush draw and he checked to Tollerene who bet 80,000. Schindler then threw in 325,000 for a check-raise and Tollerene gave up.

Player Chips Progress
Jake Schindler us
Jake Schindler
WSOP 1X Winner
Ben Tollerene us
Ben Tollerene

Tags: Ben TollereneJacob Schindler

Level: 26

Blinds: 40,000/80,000

Ante: 80,000

Hands #102-106: Tollerene Catches Schindler Bluffing

Level 25 : 35,000/70,000, 70,000 ante

Hand #102: Jake Schindler limped in on the button with {a-Hearts}{6-Spades} and Ben Tollerene raised it up to 280,000 in the big blind holding {q-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}. Schindler called and the flop came {q-Clubs}{4-Spades}{3-Spades}. Tollerene led out for 200,000 after flopping top pair and Schindler called with just ace-high.

The {4-Clubs} paired the board on the turn and Tollerene checked this time. Schindler fired in a bet of 200,000 and Tollerene stuck around to see the {8-Spades} on the river. Tollerene checked one more time and Schindler blasted all in, putting Tollerene at risk for his last 1,230,000. Tollerene took a moment before calling with his two pair and took over the chip lead when all was said and done.

Hand #103: Tollerene just called on the button with {k-Spades}{7-Diamonds} and Schindler raised to 400,000 with {8-Spades}{6-Spades}. Tollerene let his hand go to avoid another big collision.

Hand #104: Schindler limped in with {3-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} and Tollerene checked his option with {q-Diamonds}{7-Spades}. The dealer fanned the flop of {k-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{7-Hearts} and both players checked to the {2-Clubs} on the turn. Tollerene checked again and Schindler fired 70,000 after making a pair. Tollerene called and another deuce hit the river. Tollerene checked for the third time and Schindler splashed in an overbet of 425,000. Tollerene elected to fold and Schindler dragged in the pot.

The blinds increased to 40,000/80,000 with an 80,000 big blind ante.

Hand #105: Tollerene just called with {4-Spades}{2-Clubs} and Schindler bumped it up to 420,000, which got an instant fold from Tollerene.

Hand #106: Schindler stuck to the strategy of limping on the button with {7-Clubs}{2-Clubs} and Tollerene raised to 320,000 holding {7-Spades}{7-Hearts}. Schindler tossed his cards to the muck as Tollerene earned the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Tollerene us
Ben Tollerene
Jake Schindler us
Jake Schindler
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jacob SchindlerBen Tollerene

Hands #97-101: Schindler Getting the Better of the Boards

Level 25 : 35,000/70,000, 70,000 ante

Hand #97: Ben Tollerene limped in with {Q-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} and Jake Schindler pumped it to 400,000 with {K-Spades}{9-Hearts}. Tollerene decided to call in position.

The {3-Spades}{4-Spades}{10-Spades} flop gave Schindler the second nut-flush draw and he fired 250,000. Tollerene airballed and let it go.

Hand #98: Schindler opened to 200,000 with jack-seven and Tollerene laid down queen-three.

Hand #99: Tollerene called with {A-Clubs}{3-Clubs} and Schindler picked up ace-high himself, pricing his {A-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} to 400,000. Tollerene called on the button.

The {7-Hearts}{6-Hearts}{6-Diamonds} flop was checked through and so was the {10-Diamonds} turn. Schindler rivered the best hand on the {2-Diamonds} river and claimed the pot after both players checked for the third time.

Hand #100: Schindler found a premium {A-Hearts}{Q-Hearts} on the button and made it 200,000 to go. Tollerene matched the big with {K-Diamonds}{6-Clubs} but he once again bricked the {5-Spades}{A-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}. Schindler continued for 150,000 in position and Tollerene check-called with king-high.

Tollerene checked the {5-Clubs} turn and Schindler checked back to let the {3-Clubs} land on the river. Tollerene checked one more time and Schindler fired a 425,000-value bet. Tollerene played the board and folded after 30 seconds.

Hand #101: Tollerene started with a limp again and Schindler checked this time. They checked the {Q-Hearts}{A-Hearts}{J-Hearts} flop and the {7-Hearts} turn. The {9-Hearts} river completed a flush on the board and Schindler led out 160,000. Tollerene called, hoping for a chop with [KQ] of a chop but Schindler rolled over his {J-Diamonds}{10-Hearts} for the second nuts.

Player Chips Progress
Jake Schindler us
Jake Schindler
WSOP 1X Winner
Ben Tollerene us
Ben Tollerene

Tags: Ben TollereneJacob Schindler

Ryan Riess Eliminated in 3rd Place ($87,100)

Level 25 : 35,000/70,000, 70,000 ante
Ryan Riess
Ryan Riess

Hand #96: Ryan Riess shipped all in for 1,100,000 with {j-Spades}{7-Spades} in the small blind and was called by Ben Tollerene in the big blind with {a-Clubs}{9-Hearts}.

The flop came {5-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{3-Hearts} and Riess picked up a gut-shot straight draw with his two live cards. The {k-Clubs} on the turn was of no help and the {5-Spades} paired the board on the river. Riess was eliminated in third place and will take home $87,100 in the process.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Tollerene us
Ben Tollerene
Ryan Riess us
Ryan Riess
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Ben TollereneRyan Riess

Hands #91-95: Riess Guarding His Reshove Stack

Level 25 : 35,000/70,000, 70,000 ante

Hand #91: Small blind Ben Tollerene limped in with {2-Hearts}{2-Diamonds} and Jake Schindler checked his options with {J-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}. The flop fell {5-Clubs}{K-Spades}{10-Diamonds} and Tollerene checked to Schindler who checked as well.

Tollerene place in 75,000 after the {10-Hearts} turn hit the felt and Schindler threw his hand towards the muck.

Hand #92: Schindler called out of the small blind with {Q-Hearts}{7-Spades} and Riess jammed for about 17 big blinds with {Q-Diamonds}{J-Hearts} to win the pot.

Hand #93: Schindler took down the pot with a 175,000-button raise with {6-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}.

Hand #94: Schindler received a walk.

Hand #95: Schindler picked up {8-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} in the small blind and raised it up to 240,000. Riess thought for a moment before folding his {K-Spades}{8-Diamonds}.

Player Chips Progress
Jake Schindler us
Jake Schindler
WSOP 1X Winner
Ben Tollerene us
Ben Tollerene
Ryan Riess us
Ryan Riess
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
WPT 1X Winner

Tags: Ben TollereneJacob SchindlerRyan Riess

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